Live Video Webinar

@ 12:00PM PST, 2 hrs

We once again gather for our quarterly tune-up with the Higher Dimensional Helpers, in preparation for the influx of energies during the five portal days of Autumn Equinox.


  • Opening Meditation

This supports those gathered to shift into a brainwave state that allows communion with Higher Self and our Light Families

  • Welcoming in the Helpers

  • Teachings

These come through based on who shows up. The Helpers speak to all of us, yet sometimes say things that catalyze one or two people in particular. They do this to help us break through illusion, as they see our readiness and resistance.

  • Transmission of Light

These waves of light clear us on every level and assist us in opening to our own Essential Nature. The Helpers' main desire is that we come home to ourselves and Truth of Reality.

  • Closing and Integration

Equinox Event Support Package


Preparation Emails

You will receive meditations and support to prepare you for the Main Transmission on Sunday, Sept 15.


LIVE Webinar

Receive a full-system (mind-body-spirit) clearing and re-balancing guided by the Higher Dimensional Helpers to Earth, as well as a Message for Humanity from the Council of the Sun and Great Universal Mother.


More Resources

On Sept 16, the day after Equinox, you will receive integration support and the downloadable mp3 and video replay link of the Main Transmission.

What Our Community is Saying...

"The Lightworker Boot Camp opens a doorway of higher dimensional support that helps us step beyond 3-dimensional consciousness and into a much broader understanding of our own divine essence."

Dr. Melissa Sophia Joy,

Naturopathic Doctor and Founder of Somatic Awakening

"The transmissions spoke to deep truths my soul was yearning to hear and helped me move forward on my path in greater alignment and clarity of purpose."

Abigail Hinds,

Women's Health Advocate and Transformational Group Facilitator

"After the Lightworker Boot Camp I received a tool from my past self ... This has raised my vibration while living in the dominant culture and helped me to make the transition into the New Earth of collaboration."

Stephanie Chin,

Social Worker, Transformational Leader, and Advocate for Youth and Elders

Maria Explains Her Connection to the Higher Dimensional Helpers to Earth


Maria Owl is a full-body trance channel from a long line of channels and healers on both sides of her family. She was recently included in a study on channeling at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and channeled before 800 attendees at the IONS International Conference. She has been guiding people for over 10 years in the development of their paranormal abilities. Maria is the Founder and CEO of Sacred Future and the Global Light Leader Training.


Duane is passionate about supporting Maria fulfill her purpose as a channel and messenger for these times on Earth. He himself is a practitioner spiritual healing arts for over 30 years. He was trained for 4 intensive years with a Grand Master from China in mystical Qigong. At age 25 his own abilities woke up and he began seeing entities and energy fields with open eyes. Duane's mission is to help repair the Earth's energetic grid and portal systems. He is a core teacher and mentor in the Global Light Leader Training at Sacred Future.

Energy Exchange Requested

for this 2 Hour Event

with Preparation and Integration support, plus

Audio & Video Replay Recordings
